Wake and Sleep Events


Shows how to use event handlers to track entity wake/sleep state changes during the PhysX simulation.


Entity OnWake and OnSleep events fire when an entity wakes up (starts moving) or falls asleep (stops moving) in the physics system. These events only fire for non-kinematic non-static physics entities. When an entity spawns, it will fire either OnWake or OnSleep depending on whether it starts in the wake or sleep state. The following script shows how to listen for OnWake and OnSleep events.

using KS.Reactor.Server;
using KS.Reactor;

public class sWakeSleepListener : ksServerEntityScript
    public override void Initialize()
        Entity.OnWake += OnWake;
        Entity.OnSleep += OnSleep;

    public override void Detached()
        Entity.OnWake -= OnWake;
        Entity.OnSleep -= OnSleep;

    private void OnWake()
        ksLog.Info(this, "on wake");

    private void OnSleep()
        ksLog.Info(this, "on sleep");